Talk to your patients about staying active

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Talk to your patients about staying active


Physical activity is one of the most important factors for health, especially as people age. Physical activity may help older patients reduce their risk of developing high blood pressure, colon cancer and diabetes. It can also reduce the risk of dying from coronary artery disease, improve their stamina and muscle strength, and help reduce their risk of falling, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Start the conversation
We’re telling Medicare members to “Ask away” during their doctor visits — raise questions and concerns when they’re in your office. When it comes to physical fitness, you can get the ball rolling by asking about their routines. Here are some questions you can ask:

  • How often do you exercise?
  • What is your current level of physical activity (e.g., carrying laundry or groceries, yard work, chair exercises, walking, jogging, swimming)?
  • If you don’t currently exercise, why not? What’s preventing you from exercising? 

After assessing your patient’s fitness level, encourage more activity by explaining the benefits. Remind them that activities as simple as walking or gardening can make a big impact on their health. You can also offer suggestions to boost their daily routine, like walking in malls to protect against bad weather or using their SilverSneakers® benefits.*


Need more help?
Check out our blog posts on 6 reasons to get moving and 6 ways to guard against falls.

*SilverSneakers is a benefit of some Medicare Advantage plans. It is not included with Passage Dual (HMO SNP) plans and some group Medicare plans. Patients can check their evidence of coverage (EOC) to see if they are eligible for SilverSneakers.

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