Have a Healthier Holiday Season

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Have a Healthier Holiday Season

There are five weeks of temptation between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. So how do you plan to survive the “eating season?”


Try these tips.

1. Plan ahead. Already dreaming about the dessert table at the office party? Save room (and calories) by eating a smaller breakfast and lunch, and snacking on fruits and veggies. Oh, and drink plenty of water.

2. Keep track.
Log what you’re eating daily with an app on your phone. It’ll help you understand how many calories you’re consuming and stay accountable. It may also suggest ways to cut calories but still stay satisfied.

3. Get moving.
Can’t wait to dive into Aunt Sally’s famous casserole at your family dinner? Get some exercise before you go. Better yet, get the whole family involved and play soccer in the yard or basketball in the driveway. Organize a group walk.

4. Choose wisely.
Don’t load up your plate with everything on a buffet table. Survey the choices and then pick what you really want. Take sensible portions, and eat slowly to savor them.

5. Offer to bring a dish.
And make it a healthy one. That way you know there will be at least one dish you can feel good about eating (and your friends and family will appreciate it, too).

6. Get over leftovers.
Laying out more food than guests will eat leads to a few days of temptation in the refrigerator. Plan holiday meals so there’s enough for a serving for everyone. And not a lot more.

7. Indulge – a little.
Plan which holiday or parties you’re going to enjoy. Just try to stay on track with healthy eating the rest of the time.