How about some props to encourage patient questions?

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How about some props to encourage patient questions?


Talking to your patients may help you uncover issues they may be reluctant to talk about or dismiss as part of the aging process. We’re encouraging your patients to “Ask Away” when they visit you. We can help you get the conversation started and address issues covered in the Medicare Health Outcomes Survey.

Ask your patients about their physical and mental health every time you see them. Here are some questions you may want to use:

  • Do you find your health makes it hard for you to climb stairs, clean or participate in recreational activities you enjoy?
  • Does pain or lack of energy interfere with work or recreational activities?
  • Do you ever feel depressed or anxious?
  • Do you feel emotionally drained? 

We’re offering providers the following items to help encourage your Medicare patients, or any of your patients, to ask you any question they have:

  • Ask Away pins for providers and office staff to wear
  • Ask Away window clings
  • Posters explaining Ask Away
  • Tabletop displays explaining Ask Away  

If you’re interested in getting any of the materials listed above, please contact Samantha McLin, ConnectiCare’s clinical quality manager, at 860-785-7898.

  • These items do NOT have ConnectiCare’s logo. They are offered in the spirit of helping all doctors and patients have open and honest conversations. You have the power to help improve the quality of life of your patients.