Get paid faster, sign up for EFT

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Get paid faster, sign up for EFT


Want to receive ConnectiCare claims payments faster? Then sign up for electronic funds transfer, or EFT. To get started, complete the EFT form online (commercial claims only).

With EFT, you can expect to receive payment directly into your bank account within 48 hours of ConnectiCare’s scheduled payment date.

If you want to sign up for 835 electronic remittance advice (ERA) for commercial claims, please contact Post-n-Track at (860) 257-2030 or

Medicare providers can sign up for EFT and 835 ERA through the PNC Remittance Advantage website at no charge to you. EFT payments for Medicare claims will also be deposited into your bank account within 48 hours of ConnectiCare’s scheduled payment date.