Check your taxonomy code in NPPES

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Check your taxonomy code in NPPES


Please make sure your taxonomy code in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) database is accurate so you can prescribe controlled substances without problems. Taxonomy codes are administrative codes that identify your provider type and area of specialization. A taxonomy code is a unique 10-character, alphanumeric code that identifies your specialty at the claim level.

Express Scripts, our pharmacy benefit manger, will use the taxonomy code associated with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) number and in the NPPES to validate whether a provider has the authority to prescribe controlled substances. If the taxonomy code listed with the NPI is incorrect, your patients may not be able to fill prescriptions for controlled substances at the pharmacy.

This is being done to meet the requirements of the state prescriptive authority rules for our ConnectiCare Medicare Advantage members.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Go to and look up your NPI.
  • Click on the NPI number to view the full record, including the provider taxonomy codes. If the taxonomy codes are accurate, you’re all set.
  • If the codes are incorrect, sign into to manage and update your NPI and taxonomy code. The taxonomy code should be updated automatically.