Medicare Supplement Insurance is open for enrollment all year long. We’ve made enrolling as easy as possible. See below for eligibility and enrollment information.
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Medicare Supplement Plan Details

Enrolling in a Medicare Supplement Plan
Medicare Supplement plans, also referred to as Medigap plans, help pay for some of the health care costs not covered by Original Medicare - Part A hospital insurance and Part B medical insurance.
With all ConnectiCare Medicare Supplement plans:
- The freedom to see any doctor or visit any hospital nationwide that accepts Medicare patients
- Guaranteed coverage for life – your plan will continue year after year as long as your premiums are paid on time and you follow the contract terms
- Coverage for the four Basic Benefits which include: Hospitalization, medical expenses blood and hospice care
To apply for coverage under one of ConnectiCare’s Medicare Supplement plans, you must:
- Be eligible for Medicare;
- Reside in Connecticut;
- Not have coverage provided by Medicaid; and
- Not have coverage by any other health insurance plan.
How to Enroll
We’ve made enrolling as easy as possible. To apply for a ConnectiCare Medicare Supplement plan, you can enroll online or complete and return the application found in the link below, along with a check for the first payment to us.
If you do not send a payment with your application, we will send you an invoice after the application is processed, once your eligibility has been confirmed.
We will send you an identification card along with your contract within 7-10 business days after all parts of the application have been received and the premium has been paid, unless you request a later effective date.
Download, print and complete the application:
Mail your completed ConnectiCare Medicare Supplement Application Form application to:
P.O. Box 2820
New York, NY 10116-2820