Initial Coverage Election Period
You can enroll when you first become eligible for Medicare (three months before the month you turn age 65 until three months after the month you turn age 65). If you did not elect Medicare Part B when you were first eligible, you can still enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan. You will have a three-month period to enroll, which begins three months before your Medicare Part B effective date. You will not be able to enroll after your Medicare Part B effective date.
If you receive Medicare benefits due to a disability, you can join from three months before to three months after your 25th month of disability.
Annual Election Period for 2024 Coverage: October 15, 2023 – December 7, 2023
If you are eligible for Medicare, you can enroll in or switch plans during the Annual Election Period. For example, you can switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan (like a ConnectiCare Medicare Advantage Plan). Your coverage will be effective on January 1.
Special Enrollment Period for D-SNP plans
If you are eligible, you can also join a D-SNP plan or switch to another D-SNP plan, like ConnectiCare Choice Dual (HMO D-SNP), just once during each of the first three calendar quarters of the year:
- January – March
- April – June
- July – September
Your coverage will be effective on the first day of the following month.
Special Enrollment Period for all Medicare Advantage plans:
In certain situations, you may be able to join, switch or drop a Medicare Advantage plan at other times during the year. Some of these situations include, if:
- You move out of your plan's service area.
- You have both Medicare and Medicaid.
- You qualify for Extra Help paying for your Part D prescription drugs.
- You live in an institution (such as a nursing home).
- You lose your employer coverage.
For more information on enrollment periods, please contact us.