With our Dental POS plans, we do have a network, but you can go to any Medicare approved dental provider – which provider you use will determine your out-of-pocket costs. These two options have a deductible and cost-shares based on the services provided. There are some services that may require prior authorization.
You’ll save more when you receive care from one of our in-network dental providers. To see participating providers contact Member services, our Medicare Connect Concierge at 800-224-2273 (TTY: 711) or visit search our online directory.
If you see an out-of-network, non-participating Medicare approved dentist for covered dental services, you may pay more. In addition to your deductible and/or cost-share amount, you will be responsible for the difference between the out-of-network allowance and the total amount billed by a non-participating dentist.
*Examples only
*Examples only
You should ask the dentist to bill ConnectiCare directly using the address on the back of your ID card. Be aware you may be asked to pay your bill directly to your dentist and then seek easy reimbursement from us. If you do pay the bill at the time the service is provided, be sure to get a paid receipt and a completed, signed standard American Dental Association (ADA) claim form. Send a copy of the paid receipt and the claim form, along with a completed dental reimbursement form, to the address on the back of your ID card. You can submit the dental reimbursement form, or call us and we will mail you the form.
Always keep a copy of all documents for your records. You must submit your claim to us within 12 months of the date you received the service.
Check your Cost Sharing guide for what is covered and how much you will have to pay. Or call Healthplex at 855-973-2803 (TTY: 711).