Contact Us

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We're Here For You

At ConnectiCare, we live and work in the same communities we serve, so we’re able to meet the needs of our members like no one else.


Looking for a health plan? Learn more about our Medicare plans and plans for individuals and families.

Contact Us

Member Services

860-674-5757 or 800-251-7722
(TTY: 711)
Available 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday - Friday.

Individual Plan Coverage

For members who want information about coverage under a ConnectiCare SOLO or Access Health CT individual health plan. Hours are Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Secure Messaging

This is a protected messaging feature available only after you sign in to your secure ConnectiCare account. Members can use this feature to send confidential information using the messaging system maintained within our secure servers.

Premium payments for individual plans:

  • Go to Pay My Premium for details on how to pay online, in person, or over the phone.
  • By Mail:
    P.O. Box 21849
    New York, NY 10087-1849

If not currently enrolled call 877-224-8221 (TTY: 711)
From Oct. 1 to March 31, you can call us seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. From April 1 to Sept. 30, you can call us Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Medicare members call 800-224-2273 (TTY: 711)
From Oct. 1 to March 31, you can call us seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. From April 1 to Sept. 30, you can call us Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Medicare Care Management
To speak with a representative about programs for chronic conditions.


Medicare Premium Payments
Go to Pay My Premium for details


Secure Messaging
This is a protected messaging feature available only after you sign in to your secure ConnectiCare account. Members can use this feature to send confidential information using the messaging system maintained within our secure servers.

Medicare Supplement Member Services
877-224-5995 TTY: (711)
Monday – Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.


Medicare Supplement Sales
877-224-8221 TTY: (711)
Monday – Friday  8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

For inquiries about mental health or substance abuse services.

Claims address:

Optum Behavioral Health
P.O. Box 30757
Salt Lake City, UT  84130-0757

Broker Services
Available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday


Premium Billing & Collections

Broker Fax Numbers
Broker Services 860-678-5281
Commissions/Licensing 860-678-5224
Commercial Enrollment 860-678-5255
Small Group New Business 860-678-5281
SOLO Intake 860-678-5274

Group Membership Administration (including enrollment and COBRA)

Secure Messaging
This is a protected messaging feature available only after you log in through your secure ConnectiCare Online Services account. Producers can use this feature to send confidential information using the messaging system maintained within our secure servers.

Provider Services
860-674-5850 or 800-828-3407
Available 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday - Friday

Medicare Provider Services
Available 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday - Friday
Claim address: ConnectiCare, Inc., P.O. Box 4000, Farmington, CT 06034-4000

Available 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday (after hours you may leave a voicemail message). Use to initiate an authorization or if you have utilization management questions

Additional Help and Support

Public Relations

Email (Us) questions regarding information about ConnectiCare, news and media, corporate giving and government relations activities.

Please send all mail (excluding payments) to:
175 Scott Swamp Road
P.O. Box 4050
Farmington, CT 06034-4050


Looking to pay your bill? Find ways to manage your account or pay your bill here.


One-on-One Support

Visit a ConnectiCare Center for help making decisions about doctors, understanding your coverage, and achieving your wellness goals.


Three Easy Steps

Find a doctor, specialist, or medical office through your ConnectiCare plan.


Careers at ConnectiCare

Inspired by our commitment to community care? Explore a career with ConnectiCare today.