Choice Network Is Part of Bridge Program


If you are in ConnectiCare, Inc.’s Choice Network, you can see ConnectiCare and EmblemHealth members who have the Bridge Program.

To confirm whether you are considered in-network for the member, use the Check Provider Network Status feature* in the provider portal’s Member Management section. When you are looking up a member’s eligibility, it is easy to click the Check Provider Network Status button, search for yourself, and get an answer.


You can also look at the member ID card, which will say “Bridge Program” and have the ConnectiCare logo at the bottom. See member ID card samples on our Bridge Program page. This is where you can find a full program description. You can also share this Bridge flyer with your appointment schedulers. It is a handy quick reference we think they will find useful.


*Portal user must be authorized to conduct business for the provider they are looking up.