National HIV Testing Day: June 27


As National HIV Testing Day approaches on June 27, this is a good time to encourage your patients to be tested for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The theme for 2023 is “Take the Test & Take the Next Step”. When patients know their HIV status, it can help them choose options to stay healthy.

About 80% of HIV infections that occur each year are transmitted by people who are not receiving HIV care. The CDC recommends treating people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression. Patients should begin treatment as soon as possible after receiving a positive diagnosis and take medication as prescribed to achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load. An undetectable viral load is the best thing people with HIV can do to stay healthy.

If you need help managing our members’ needs, you can enroll them in our Care Management program by calling 800-447-0768 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Members can find more information about living with HIV on our website. This program assists members in finding community resources and navigating the health care system. There are many CDC resources available for newly diagnosed patients and those who need to reengage in treatment.