Stay Social – It May Help You Live Longer

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Stay Social – It May Help You Live Longer

Being around others is good for your mental health, which makes it good for you!


There is actual scientific proof that spending time with others is part of a healthy lifestyle. Researchers have found that having a social life may be as good for your long-term health as avoiding cigarettes!

Connecting with others is also important for your mental health. Strong social ties can help ward off feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can lead to depression.

Six ways to get social

  1. Plan regular visits (or even phone calls) with family and friends.
  2. If your Medicare plan includes the SilverSneakers® benefit to join a gym, use it. You’ll be able to socialize and get physically fit at the same time (now that’s a win-win!).
  3. Visit a senior center.
  4. Join a club or group (like a book club, garden club, or a walking group).
  5. Take a class at a community college or adult education center.
  6. Volunteer at a hospital, church, charitable group, or a local school.

Your social skills may feel a little rusty after two years of COVID-19. It’s okay to take your time re-establishing relationships outside the home. Planning out activities may help ease anxiety, and you’ll find a social balance that works best for you.